Who is our conference for

The Last of us

Researchers and scientists in the field of particle physics

You will get a unique opportunity to learn about the latest achievements and innovative approaches in particle detection, and to communicate with the world's leading experts.

Researchers and scientists in the field of particle physics

You will get a unique opportunity to learn about the latest achievements and innovative approaches in particle detection, and to communicate with the world's leading experts.

The Last of us

Engineers and developers of detectors

You will be able to discuss technical aspects with your colleagues, share experiences and get inspiration for innovations in your projects.

Engineers and developers of detectors

You will be able to discuss technical aspects with your colleagues, share experiences and get inspiration for innovations in your projects.

The Last of us

Undergraduate and graduate students

This is a unique chance to get valuable advice from experienced professionals, make new acquaintances and find mentors who will help you in your future research activities.

Undergraduate and graduate students

This is a unique chance to get valuable advice from experienced professionals, make new acquaintances and find mentors who will help you in your future research activities.

Our speakers

James Caudle

Melissa Lyons

Andrew Santiago

Helen Eller
